Issue Position: Public Education

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Education

Education is the cornerstone of democracy. Our public school system is under assault; Donald Trump's Department of Education is trying to privatize it. We cannot allow that to happen. Providing quality education is one of the government's most important obligations to the people.
Dana will fight to...
Fully fund our public schools. In too many places, under-resourced schools and districts are waiting for money from the state and federal governments. It's time to fund our schools adequately. This includes fully funding IDEA for students with disabilities and expanding school meal and after-school programs.

Ensure quality public schools for all of our children. Every child deserves access to a public school that meets high standards of accountability, regardless of their zip code.

Codify civil rights protections for our vulnerable students so that safe learning environments are permanently available to every student no matter their race, ability, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, or other identity group. The right to these protections must never again depend on the whims of the Secretary of Education.

Establish universal Pre-K for all three- and four-year-olds so they have the best shot at success in school and beyond.

Revitalize civics education. We need to prepare students to become participants in our democracy. This requires knowing how all levels of government work, how to engage in public deliberation, and how to get along in a plural society. We must prepare them to understand not only their rights conferred by our democracy but their responsibilities as stewards of our democracy.

Treat educators as the professionals they are by paying them salaries commensurate with the value of the work they do and providing excellent mentorship and professional development programs.

Guarantee debt-free post-secondary options including four-year colleges, community colleges, and technical and vocational schools. This will require tuition-free options, expanded debt-relief programs, an end to predatory lending, and a cap on interest rates.
